Metal sheet roofing is a type of roofing material made from metal sheets. It is a popular choice for roofs because it is strong and durable, and it can withstand a variety of weather conditions. It comes in various colours and styles to find the perfect option for your business.

Additionally, it is relatively affordable compared to other roofing materials. If you consider adding a new roof to your business, consider metal sheet roofing viable.

The Basics

Thanks to its durability and low upkeep requirements, it is popular for commercial buildings and available in various materials, including aluminium, steel, and copper.

Typically it is installed over a solid substrate, such as plywood or OSB, and then fastened with screws or nails.

One advantage of metal sheet roofing is that it can be installed over an existing roof without first tearing off the old material. This can save time and money during a re-roofing project. It is also highly resistant to fire, wind, and hail damage, making it an ideal choice for areas prone to severe weather conditions.

Types of Metal Sheets

There are two types of metal sheet roofing: corrugated and flat. Corrugated metal sheets have raised ridges that help to deflect water and provide extra strength.

Flat metal sheets are smooth and can be coated with various materials to create a waterproof barrier.

Metal sheet roofing is available in various colours and can be customised to match the aesthetic of any building. It is perfect for facilities that require a durable, long-lasting roofing solution.

Benefits of Metal Roofing

Metal roofs have been about for centuries, and their popularity has only increased in recent years. They can be installed rapidly and efficiently, making them popular for new construction and replacement roofing projects.

But what are the advantages of metal roofing?

  • First and foremost, metal roofs are highly durable.
  • They’re designed to withstand heavy winds and hail and are resistant to fire and pests. In addition, metal roofs reflect heat very well, making them an energy-efficient choice for commercial buildings.
  • Finally, metal roofs are recyclable, meaning they’re a sustainable option for eco-conscious business owners.

There’s a lot to like about metal regarding roofing materials.

Installation Options

There are three ways to install a metal sheet roof.

  • The first is to screw the sheets directly to the roof deck. This is the most common method, and it works well for both new construction and retrofit projects.
  • The second option is to use standing seam panels. These come in long strips overlapping at the seams, creating a watertight seal. Standing seam panels are more expensive than screw-down panels, but they offer a cleaner look and are easier to repair if they’re ever damaged.
  • The third option is to use metal tiles. Metal tiles look like traditional clay or concrete tiles, but they’re much lighter and can be installed directly over an existing roof.

No matter which installation method you choose, metal sheet roofing provides an excellent way to protect your commercial roof from the elements. It’s durable, low-maintenance, energy-efficient and ideal for new constructions.

Maintenance Tips

As any building owner knows, the roof is one of the most important components of the structure. It protects against the elements and provides insulation from heat and cold.

A well-maintained roof can last for decades, but a poorly maintained roof can develop serious problems that lead to expensive repairs.

Metal sheet roofing is a popular choice for commercial and industrial buildings because it is durable and low maintenance.

However, even metal roofs need to be inspected periodically to ensure that they are good.

Below are some tips for maintaining a metal sheet roof:

Inspect the Roof Regularly for Signs of Wear or Damage

To keep a building in good condition, it is important to regularly inspect the roof for signs of wear or damage.

When inspecting a metal sheet roof, look for cracked or missing tiles and any rust spots. If you detect any damage, it is important to have it repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Clean the Roof Regularly to Remove Dirt, Debris, And Leaves

Over time, dirt, debris, and leaves can accumulate on the roof, causing it to become less effective at shedding water. When cleaning a metal roof, use a soft brush or broom and avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaners. You should also avoid walking on the roof to prevent any damage.

If you need to walk on the roof, wear soft-soled shoes and not step on any raised panels.

Trim Tree Branches That Hang Above the Roof

Not only can falling branches cause damage to the roof, but they can also pose a safety hazard to anyone who happens to be underneath them.

By trimming back any overhanging branches, you can help keep your roof in good condition and reduce the risk of potential accidents.

Repair any Cracks or Holes in the roof Immediately

It’s important to repair any cracks or holes in your metal roof as soon as possible.

These problems can lead to severe issues, such as leaks. And once the water starts to get into the cracks, it can quickly cause the metal to rust.

As a result, it’s essential to keep an eye on your roof and fix any problems as soon as they arise. It would be best if you also had your roof inspected by a professional every few years to ensure no hidden issues that need to be addressed.

By following these simple tips, you can help extend the life of your metal sheet roof and avoid costly repairs.


So, if you’re in the market for a new roof and want to explore your options, metal is worth considering. It’s an excellent choice for business owners who wish for durability, sustainability, and low maintenance roof.

If you’d like more information on metal roofing or would like to get a quote from our team of experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help!